Research Templates

Tap into your users’ minds with research templates designed to give you the answers you need. Whether it’s identifying customer goals, testing feature usability, or discovering jobs-to-be-done, there’s a template to help you relate to your audience.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Can't find what you're looking for?

Test your website sign-up flow


Test your website sign-up flow

Design • Research • Usability Testing • Wireframe Testing

Test your website sign-up flow

Validate your sign-up flow

Improve site navigation


Improve site navigation

Research • Design • Idea Validation • Concept Validation

Improve site navigation

Improve your website's information architecture

Run a product satisfaction survey

Run a product satisfaction survey

Research • Product • Satisfaction Survey

Run a product satisfaction survey

Measure how satisfied users are with your product

Assess information architecture (IA)


Assess information architecture (IA)

Research • Design • Concept Validation

Assess information architecture (IA)

Compare and test variants of a design

Usability testing a new product

Usability testing a new product

Design • Research • Usability Testing

Usability testing a new product

Uncover the nuances to a design with this usability test

Define digital taxonomies

Define digital taxonomies

Product • Research • Idea Validation

Define digital taxonomies

Learn how your users categorize and group information

Compare two design prototypes

Compare two design prototypes

Usability Testing • Wireframe Testing • Product • Research • Design

Compare two design prototypes

Test and compare multiple design variants

Test feature usability


Test feature usability

Product • Research • Usability Testing • Concept Validation

Test feature usability

Feature usability template

Beta testing feedback


Beta testing feedback

Research • Design • Feedback Survey

Beta testing feedback

Reveal user challenges during beta tests

Templates for researchers

With a research template, you can log user data for design teams to help improve the user's journey. Easily test sign-up flows to create better quality experiences for customers (and an easier workflow for your team). With actionable feedback, you can uncover customer pain points to improve and stay ahead of other tools and competitors.

Frequently asked questions

What are UX research methods?

UX researchers employ different research methods to understand who users are, what they need, and how they behave. Common UX research methods are usability testing, user interviews, surveys, card sorting, tree testing, field studies, and more.

What kind of insights and metrics can my Research team get with Maze?

Whether you’re a researcher, designer, product manager, or just really passionate about great product research, Maze is here to empower you and your team to collect valuable insights that matter. Validate day-to-day decisions, share key research findings with stakeholders in automated visual reports, and collect continuous user insights that help shape and support your wider product and research goals.

In which stages of the research process can Maze be useful to me?

At Maze, we believe continuous product research and discovery is key to creating truly customer-centric products. Simply put—the more you research, the more value you deliver to your users more frequently.

Maze empowers anyone who does research to autonomously run expert-level, unmoderated research at every stage—facilitating a discovery mindset in product teams so you can build the right product with your users, for your users.

Get a head start with Maze

See how to start collecting valuable user insights to improve your product continuously.